Self catering holiday homes to rent in France - gite, cottage, house, villa - book and rent direct from the owner


FREE Advertising for your Holiday Home in France

Why should I advertise with .com? was launched in June 2006 to provide a low cost, high quality advertising service to the owners of holiday homes in France. is a very cost effective way of advertising your holiday home. We offer you the choice of our BASIC advertising package or our PREMIUM advertising package, Both packages are free of charge.

Services included with BASIC package with PREMIUM package
key features of holiday home # #
single summary photograph # #
contact details # #
display up to 12 photographs   #
comprehensive list of facilities  #
price guide   #
availability calendar   #
confidential email link for enquiries # #
link to your own website   #
free format textual description   #
advertise in French on # #
statistics # #
local information   #
FREE instant updates # #
advertise up to 3 holiday homes # #

CLICK HERE - Register for your FREE account now!

Excellent reasons to advertise on .com

  1. Cost effective advertising
  2. Display up to 12 photographs
  3. Detailed property description
  4. Advertise in French
  5. Advertise up to 3 holiday homes
  6. Direct contact with holiday makers
  7. Confidentiality
  8. Link to your own website
  9. Availability calendar
  10. Change your advert for FREE
  11. Advertisement available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year
  12. Customer Service
  13. Continuous Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  14. Commitment To Quality And Continuous Improvement
  15. Guaranteed - No additional or hidden charges

Cost effective advertising

Currently both of our advertising packages are completely FREE to use.

We guarantee that there are absolutely no additional or hidden charges.

Display up to 12 photographs provides you with a gallery of up to 12 images for each holiday home.

Detailed property description

Describe your holiday home in as much detail as you like in your advertisement. Including photos, list of facilities, local information, price guide, contact details and additional information.

Advertise in French has a special multi-lingual service which allows you to add your holiday home advertisement in English and an advert will be automatically created in French on our sister site

Advertise up to 3 holiday homes

Each owner registered on is allocated a password protected portfolio which allows them to advertise up to 3 holiday homes.

Direct contact with holiday makers

Many holiday makers now use the internet to book their holiday accommodation directly with the owner and save money on agency fees. We will send all enquiries for your holiday home directly to your contact email address. You will then be able to enter into direct communication with the holiday maker.


Your contact email address is kept confidential and is never displayed on the website or in the programming behind the website. Holiday makers can only contact you using the specific contact form on the website.

Link to your own website

If you have a website for your holiday home you can have a link to it from your advert.

Availability calendar

Our availability calendar allows you to mark when your holiday home is unavailable to help ensure more targeted enquiries from holiday makers. The availability calendar can also be embedded directly into your own website.

Change your advert for FREE

In order to keep you holiday home advertisement up-to-date, you can change the details and photos, at any time, as many times as you like, for no additional charge. All changes will be published online immediately.

Advertisement available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year

An advertisement on can market your holiday home directly to the many thousands of holiday makers who now use the internet to search for that perfect holiday home. The website is hosted by 1&, one of the premium web hosting companies in the world, and as such, the website is rarely, if ever, unavailable.

Customer Service

Despite being a highly automated website, is still run by real people and we are always happy to answer your questions. Please feel free to contact us by e-mail.

Continuous Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

All web pages on have been designed to be search-engine friendly. We continuously monitor our search engine rankings with the major search engines and undertake optimization as required.

Commitment To Quality And Continuous Improvement is committed to providing a high quality service and the website is undergoing continuous improvement. The website has a clean, uncluttered design making it user friendly and simple to use. The minimal design ensures fast browsing, even under dial-up, and fewer mouse clicks are required to accomplish a task. The website also conforms to the web standards of HTML and CSS for better accessibility and usability.

Guaranteed - No additional or hidden charges

You can use all the services available to a BASIC and PREMIUM account for no charge whatsoever. Any new services added to the website will be available to you for no additional charge.

We guarantee that there are absolutely no additional or hidden charges.

CLICK HERE - Register for your FREE account now!

What does it cost to advertise on .com

A BASIC account, allowing you to use some of the services of the website, is completely FREE.

A PREMIUM account, allowing you to use ALL of the services of the website, is also completely FREE.

Both accounts allow you to advertise up to 3 holiday homes.

We guarantee that there are absolutely no additional or hidden charges.

CLICK HERE - Register for your FREE account now!

How to advertise on .com?

With just two simple steps, you can be advertising your holiday home on

1. Register for your FREE account.

2. Login and enter the details and photo for your FREE holiday home advert.

Holiday home adverts will be published immediately by our fully automated website.

You can choose to activate your PREMIUM account, allowing you to take advantage of all the services of the website.

You may change the details and photos of your holiday home advert at any time, as often as you like, with immediate effect.

CLICK HERE - Register for your FREE account now!

Need more information

If you have any questions or would like any additional information please contact us either by email or post.
11 Rue Louis Desnouhes
85700 Pouzauges

CLICK HERE - Contact us by email

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